Sunday, June 20, 2010

Elder Reginald Phillip Pack

On June 16th, Reggie entered the MTC. We pulled up to the curb and there was a Host Missionary there to help Reg with his bags. We gave him our last hugs and away he went. This is a picture of his last wave good-bye.
Jenna got a Build-A-Bear for her birthday. She calls him "Reggie Bear". On our way home from the MTC we stopped and bought a missionary suit for her bear. It even came with a little, stuffed Book of Mormon.
Some of these pictures were taken on the Sunday of his Farewell and the other pictures were taken just before we left to take Reggie to the MTC. We are so proud of him and we are sure going to miss him. The adventure begins.
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Hiking and Skiing the Wellsvilles

We are so lucky to live in one of the most beautiful places on earth. We are right at the base of the Wellsville Mountains. This winter Phil and some other guys hiked up the Wellsville Mountains (didn't quite make it to the peak because of bad weather) and then skiied down. They had a great time.

?, Riley, Roger, Rob, Brian, and Phil

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Reunion & Birthday

The Pack Family Reunion was held at Camp Morrison in McCall, Idaho on June 10-12. Camp Morrison is famous in the Pack family. It has had special meaning for many years. Phil's brother ran this camp for many years and many Pack relatives have worked there. Phil spent many summers working there himself. Even after we were married we worked up there together when Reg was just a few months old. It is beautiful up there and the perfect place for so many of us to gather. There were over 100 Pack relatives there at the reunion. Phil is the youngest of 9 children and there are 68 grandchildren and I couldn't begin to tell you how many great-grandchildren there are. It was great to reconnect with so many. It was also our last time to camp and be with Reggie before his mission. So glad we had this time together.
  • Camp Fires
  • Games, Skits, and Songs
  • Giant Marshmallow
  • Latrines
  • Birthday Cake
  • Hot Springs
  • Volleyball
  • Boat Rides
  • Sand Castles
  • Fishing
Jenna had her 9th birthday while we were up there and she was pretty excited to have so many people sing "Happy Birthday" to her. She had it all planned out what she wanted and how she wanted us to "surprise" her in the morning. She also wanted to fish on her birthday because it was "Free Fishing Day" in Idaho. Phil's sister Vurvian and her husband, Doug, live in Council which isn't that far away. On our way home, we stopped by a lake and Doug took Phil, Rob and Jenna out on his little boat to fish. It was a comedy of errors. The wind was blowing and it was very cold. Phil had to work pretty hard at rowing just to stay in the same place and any wrong move they would have tipped over. Each time Jenna would touch the real it would turn in to a giant knot. It definitely didn't turn out quite like the fishing experience we thought it would be but fun still the same.
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Family Pictures June 2010

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Cheer Camp June 2010

Jenna & Hannah

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TaVaci Spring Concert 2010

TaVaci Spring Concert turned out awesome. Here a just a few pictures of Rob and Jenna doing their thing. Some of the fun songs that were sung are:
We Rock!, Banquet Fugue, Billy Joel Medley, We Are From the Country Medley, Thank You for the Music, One Little Cookie, Monsters Go Rahhhhhhh, Mama Goose Medley, That's What Girls Do, Four Seasons Medley, and I'm A Grouch.
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Junior Prom 2010

Frank and Michelle have been friends since they were about 3 years old. Michelle was graduating from high school this year and they have wanted to go to at least one school dance together. Frank serenaded her while he played his guitar to ask her to go to prom. They had a great time.
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May Day 2010

Every year our little town of Mendon celebrates May Day. This is such a fun tradition. The girls ages 1st through 5th grade dance the May Pole and the juniors in high school are in the court. This year Jenna danced the May Pole and Frank was in the court. He was Jessica Carlson's escort for the festivities. There is a dance on friday night with the May Pole and program on Saturday. It was sunny that day for about 1 hour while the May Pole was being braided. Jenna is posing on a pole with her good friend McKenzie. Frank and the kids he has been friends with since preschool posed all together. Where has all the time gone? What a great group of kids. Fun to watch them grow up. :)
Group pictures:
Top Row: Jaison Hardman, Frank Pack, Annie Maughan,
Bottom Row: Kelly Gibbons, Matt Brandley, Nichole Morgan
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Alycia Rae's Arm

When Alycia was 4 years old she broke her arm jumping on our trampoline. It affected the growth plate near her elbow. For a long time, she liked the reaction from people when she would straigten arm. As she has gotten older, she hasn't liked the reactions as much. We have waited to do corrective surgery until she was ready. She decided that she was ready this year to see if it could be straightened. We had the surgery done at Primary Children's Hospital on March 3rd. She had to wear a full are cast for 8 weeks. She was a good sport. It really didn't slow her down at all. She even played soccer with her cast. We just wrapped her cast really good with bubble wrap and tape. :)

This is the metal plate at screws that are in Alycia's arm now.


Needless to say, Alycia was very excited to get that cast off.

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Happy 19th Reggie!

May 2, 2010


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