Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Brothers

After Alycia was born, we always referred to Reggie and Frank as "The Brothers." This picture was taken just before they headed out on their dates for Junior Prom on Saturday.


Us Craven's said...

they are both so handsome and grown up! Way to go Mom-you did a great job!

cindy said...

Jill, they are such darling boys!
They would probably prefer "studly, good looking men!" Which they are, but I'm still gonna go with darling boys!

Quelly said...

what a pair of good lookin' boys
Watch out girls!

Heather Palmer said...

When I moved in Logan Frank was almost 9- now look at him! I think they have both doubled in sized since then. I hope my two boys turn out as well (and handsome) as Reg and Frank! I would love to see their dance pictures when they get them back.

Kandace said...

Ow OW! My little cousins are STUD MUFFINS!

Kade and Katie said...

so i have several girls here in my ward who are wanting some digits!