Thursday, November 13, 2008

Homecoming 2008 Dance Pictures

BJ, Kelly, Frank, Kenny, Sheldon, Jessica

Homecoming 2008 Royalty
Ian, Jacki, Danni, Chase, Whitney, Reggie, Hannah, John
Sarah & Reggie


cindy said...

I love Love LOVE all your recent posts and pictures!

Your kids are absolutely adorable--it's so fun to be able to keep track of your cute fam!

Tell Phil congrats on giving up DC! It's still hard, but I feel so much better!

Brittney said...

Cute!! How fun! Is Reggie growing a beard? They both look so cute and grown up! And their dates are cute too!

Mommason Hillary said...

I found your blog through Angie Cravens blog - they've just moved into our ward - then I noticed the MENDON Packs - I'm from Mendon! My mom is June Bowen - she's called Mrs May Day in the town. Small world - somehow we're all connected. Visit my blog anytime - because even though I'm from Sandy - when you know someone from MENDON - you are family.(: Nicole Hillary

Us Craven's said...

Jiller- I can't believe these cute pictures! It just seems like yesterday when WE were going to Homecoming! I can only imagine how much fun it is to be a part of your family! You are such a great MOM!